Do Mechanical Keyboards Make You Type Faster

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A majority of computer keyboards all seem and look the same. Three rows of letters, usually a row or block of numbers, punctuation marks for days, and a selection of function keys.

Although all keyboards tend to look similar they can vary rather uniquely when it comes to how they work on the inside and how they react to being used and. 

Do Mechanical KeyboardsMake You TypeFaster

There are two primary types of keyboards; membrane and mechanical. Membrane are more ommon and feature a rubber dome under each key.

Mechanical keyboards on the other hand have a plastic switch under the key. Though this may not seem like a defining feature, it can have a very large impact on the way that you type. 

Uses for a Mechanical Keyboard

Membrane keyboards are more common and are probably what you use in your workplace or at home. These are also less expensive than and quieter than mechanical keyboards, which are often quite loud.

However, mechanical keyboards tend to be preferred by people such as programmers and gamers.

These types of people prefer these types of keyboard because they have more precise control and feedback, some may even prefer using these simply for the ‘click-clack’ noise that a mechanical keyboard will make. 

They offer aurally aesthetic sounds, a fantastic feel and great feedback that lets a typist type faster and with greater accuracy. For gamers this allows them to control in-game movement with more careful precision. 

What is a Mechanical Keyboard and how is it different?

A majority of people, however, won’t even know the difference between a mechnical keyboard and others. If you have ever used both types of keyboards you are probably already well aware that the main difference is that mechanical keyboards just feel better.

They give you a ‘click’ with every press and then the spring presses it right back. The reaction time is better too, it will register every key you press much quicker than other keyboards.

This is simply because you’re quickly pressing down on a spring which will instananiously pop back up are pressing the key. 

These keyboards also often come equipped with a high quality backlight, high quality construction and function. They are considered to be a higher quality than a standrad rubber-dome keyboard which is much cheaper and breaks down faster

Can you type faster on a Mechanical Keyboard?

While you may hear things that may make you think that typing on a mechanical keyboard will make you type faster, it is very unlikely.

Regaredless of what keyboard you are using, you will always have your own unique typing speed.

There can be certain factors relating to the keyboard that you are using that will influence your typing speed but these are not factors that are totally dependant on the type of keyboard that you are using.

These factors can be: 

  • If you are using an unfamiliar keyboard, this can be a new keyboard, a friends keybaord, its is just unfamiliar to your touch and it will take you time to get used to it before you can return to your usual typing speed. 
  • A different king of keyboard: i.e. if you are used to membrane keybaord and then you start using a mechanical keyboard it will take you some time to get used to using it. 
  • Cleanliness. Cleanliness can effect the keys. If it has been a while sicne you cleaned your keyboard you may find that it will not be as type efficient as it once was.

However, none of these things sould have a drastic effect on your typing speed, it will only effect it by a few words per minute, so unless you are typing competitively- is that a thing?- then you should not have anything to worry about. 

The main thing you need to know is that no keyboard will drastically change your typing speed, a keyboard won’t magically make you type faster, and the easiest way to be able to bash out more words per minute is by practice and dedication to learning to up your typing speed. 

Pros vs. Cons

Mechanical keyboards can offer a lot of things, including precision, they also have an extended lifespan.

A great deal are rated to last anywhere form 20 million to 100 million keypresses, while a typical (your standard use) membrane keybaord will likely only be rated for around 5 million keypresses, for people such as writers, coders and so on, mechanical keyboards can makme a substanital difference. 

They also ffer special features for people such as gamers, these features include something called ‘rollerover’, which is a way of ensuring that every keypress is sensed, even if the keys are pressed simultaneously.

They do this very easily, which other keybaords are not so good at. 

Mechanical keyboards are also very sustainable as if a key or switch may break on your keyboard tehy can be easily replaced. This is common for gamers to do anyway, especially for the WASD keys. 

How to type faster

If you do want to learn how to type faster we have a few tips for you here. 

  • Mechanical keyboards can help, not like a magic answer, but investing in a mechanical keybaord can help because it feels good and you can be sure that you pressed the key down as they are much more tactile and sensitive. If you are the type of person who will look down at the keybaord and back to the screen to check that you pressed the key, then a mechanical keyboard can help you get rid of this habit as you will always be able to hear yourself type. Mechanical keyboards are also very good for learning to touch-type. 
  • When learning to type faster, try to practice every day, you can take online tests that will track how many words per minute you can type and a great deal of these tests can also help you learn to touch type too. 
  • Sit properly. Sorry, we know we probably sound like your parent/guardian right now, but sitting correctly will greatly influence your typing. Make sure that your desk is positioned right, with your screen at eye level and your keyboard close enough that your elbows are slightly curved but not so far away youre stretching to reach it. Be comfortable with ow you type.